

If the enterprise has many branches and want to use the database independently of the main office, shall register here.
Note: The Head office has access the data of the branches.

Branch information

Branch Name :

Short Name :

Address :

Country :

City :

State/Province :

Zip/Postal Code :

Tel :

Fax :

Email :

Website :

Branch Contact Person

Name :

Title :

Email :

Branch Administrator

Please assing one person in this Branch office as a Branch's administrator will create new users account for other persons in office.

My branch Administartor is the same as above contact person : Yes         No.

If No, Please provide information :

Name :

Title :

Email :

Branch Administrative user account

User Name :

(Please provide a user name you like. You will use this user name to login to our system. Please choose a name that easy for you to remember. User name must be from 6 to 32 alphanumeric characters, fm A through Z and 0 through 9, not including special characters & space.):

Check user name’s availability

User account status :

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