Shipping Guide
Customs Regulation For All Import Cargo To KOREA
(Oct 10, 2012)
Instructions on Goods Description
Carriers and freight forwarders should pay special attention to goods description during manifest preparation in order that common mistakes will not be made.
The column for “Good Description” should not be filled in with any meaningless numbers, marks or general terms such as:
①       Meaningless numbers and marks: 0, 1, 11, A, AB, %, $, #, @, etc.
②       General terms: PARTS, SAMPLE, ACCESSORY, etc.
Goods description should be described in specific and precise manner as used in trade deals in order that the KOREA CUSTOMS SERVICE can identify the nature of goods. “Examples of Goods Descriptions Accepted or not Accepted” in Appendix Table 1 can be referred for this purpose.


English Only for commodity
0, 1, 11, 123, A, B, AAA, ACC  ETC
Special Characters are forbidden
!, @, #, $, %, &, *, ?, ^  ETC
Need Specific commodity description: Oil Well Equipment (brand forbidden)
Sample, equipments, Parts, Accessory, Goods, Gift, Products ETC
Brands are forbidden NIKE, ADIDAS ETC                                                       

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